Jialu Zhang

Postgraduate Student in Deep Generative Modelling


Tel: +86 13930415730

Beijing, China

Hi! My name is Jialu Zhang (张佳璐), currently a postgraduate student in MC^2 Lab in Beihang Univerisity. My research interests in deep generative modelling, especially GANs. Before this, I completed my Bachelor Degree in Beihang University in 2022, majoring in Electronic and Information Engineering.


Jul 14, 2023 :sparkles: Our paper, “Neural Characteristic Function Learning for Conditional Image Generation”, has been accepted in ICCV2023! :smile:

selected publications


  1. poster.png
    Neural Characteristic Function Learning for Conditional Image Generation
    Shengxi Li, Jialu Zhang, Yifei Li, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct 2023